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Health Risk Assessment


Health risk assessment is the process of evaluating the risks to health arising from hazards at the workplace, identified by a walk-through.  At Extreme wellness we will provide an expert, experience Occupational Health nurse to conduct a health risk assessment in the workplace; potential hazards and risks to the employees will be identified adhering to The Hazardous Chemical Substances Regulation 5(1) of 1995 of the OHSA and Department of Labour of South Africa, 1993c).


Our Occupational Health nurse will be able to conduct any of the following three types of health risk assessments required:

  • Baseline health risk assessments

  • Issues-based or targeted health risk assessments

  • Continuous health risk assessments


Once the Health Risk assessment has been conducted all the necessary information will be documented as well as the remedial actions to be undertaken by management (employer).  A written report and verbal feedback will be provided to Management.

Extreme Wellness & Soma Solutions (PTY) Ltd

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